MLB Game At Field of Dreams Could Get Postponed
In the world of sports, there are no certainties. We know certain leagues just aren't going to happen. Others, like college football and the NFL, we HOPE will happen. This summer, the first MLB game was supposed to be played in the state of Iowa, at The Field of Dreams in Dyersville. That game, like so many others, is also up in the air.
When the Yankees and White Sox play in Iowa they will do so in a brand new 8,000 seat stadium which is being built near the original Field of Dreams movie site. That takes months of planning and resources. Is it being built for nothing? The city of Dyersville and surrounding communities were looking forward to the booming tourism dollars that the big game would bring in too. When the big game was announced last year, area hotels booked up immediately. A festival with concerts and viewing parties were planned. All that could go by the wayside if the game is called off.
"If you build it, he will come." For now, the field is still being built. Fans are hopeful. But reality tells you that this game is more likely to happen in 2021, than later this summer. But baseball fans shouldn't worry. Magic happens all the time at the Field of Dreams. Maybe it still has some left for us this year.
[via KCRG]
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