Volunteers Needed for “Operation Spring Clean Up” In Waterloo
The city of Waterloo encourages individuals, groups, and business to make a positive contribution and show their civic pride by participating in Operation Spring Clean during the month of April.
Residents are encouraged to organize teams of co-workers, club or church members, or friends and family to collect litter and beautify areas of their choosing or an area assigned by the City.
Clean up teams should register with the City of Waterloo Public Works Sanitation Department. Registered teams will receive reflective vests, trash bags, and trash collection at designated locations provided by the City. Clean up activities can be scheduled anytime during the month of April. Individuals seeking to participate may also register and will be connected with participating teams.
Waterloo Public Works-Sanitation Department has identified high-visibility areas of the city to be targets. Organizers hope that the month long focus will have a long term impact by encouraging residents to take ownership by monitoring and maintaining their surroundings all year long. “Residents often ask me ‘what can I do to improve Waterloo?’ Participating in Operation Spring Clean is a hands-on way to do something positive for Waterloo,” says Mayor Quentin Hart. “This is an opportunity for the community to come together as One Waterloo. Imagine the impact if people from every business, church, and neighborhood took to the streets and parks together. It could go far deeper than changing the physical landscape. It could improve our cultural landscape, the way we think, act, talk about our city and each other.”
For more information or to register a team, please contact register with the Sam Barrett, Operations Supervisor by calling 319-291-4445 or by email to Samuel.Barrett@Waterloo-IA.ORG or go to: Facebook - Waterloo Sanitation Dept
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