According to the 2007 movie, Superbad, and the fake ID produced by the character, Fogell, today is the 40th birthday of 'McLovin."
In the film, Fogell (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) tells his friends, Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera) that he's going to get a fake ID, so Seth promises to buy alcohol for Jules' (Emma Stone) party with money she gives him. Despite Fogell's fake I...
You may have seen this circulating through the internet over the years. It’s been dubbed “The Worst Death Scene Ever.” I was intrigued by its, uh, ‘acting’ and wanted to know more about this film. So I did some digging…
It’s a Turkish film from 1973 called “Karateci Kiz” which, in English, translates to ‘Karate Girl...