Facebook Will Soon Start Letting You Add THIS To Your Profile
Remember back in the MySpace era when you'd go to someone's page and a song would start playing? You'd be all like like, 'I just wanna creep on all of your pictures, and not hear what Shinedown song is speaking to you right now!'
Well Facebook is bringing it back. They just announced they're going to start testing a feature that will let people add songs to their profile. I guess that now when people click on your page, they can play the song to, you know, really feel your vibe, bro...
There's no word on when they're going to start rolling it out or where the music will come from. It's possible it will be limited to certain artists, labels, etc. Oh, and no word on if they're going to bring back other sweet MySpace features like sparkling unicorn text... or the Top Eight... Or Tom... Maybe some things should simply stay in the past, no?