Waterloo had a 28* Temperature Drop in Less Than One Hour!
Just before the Severe Storms rolled through the Cedar Valley on Tuesday afternoon, the air temperature reached a toasty 95* at 1:54 PM.
Then, came the storm. A report of a 61 MPH wind gust came from the Waterloo Airport and by 2:49 PM, the air temperature had dropped to 67* in Waterloo – a change of 28* in just 55 minutes.
That large of a drop ties for the second-largest temperature drop in a one-hour period in Waterloo. (dating back to 1949) On the morning of July 9 of 1949, the temperature descended from 83* to 55* between 10:00 and 11:00 -- a change of 28*.
The all-time largest temperature drop in the city is 32* --- from 80* to 48* on the afternoon of March 7, 1950.
As for the month of August – Tuesday's temperature drop is the biggest ever for August in Waterloo, beating the old record of 23* on August 9, 1985.
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