Voters Reject Gladbrook-Reinbeck Dissolution Plan
The Gladbrook-Reinbeck School District passed a big test on Tuesday (Sept. 12, 2017).
Voters rejected a public dissolution measure by a more than two-to-one margin. Unofficial results show 69-percent of those who cast ballots voted against breaking up the district, while 31-percent favored the dissolution plan. A 50-percent simple majority determined the outcome.
District-wide, the total number of "No" votes were 1,545. The "Yes" votes were 690.
A breakdown of the figures show Gladbrook residents favored dissolving the district by nearly a six-to-one margin (592-Yes, 105-No), while Reinbeck voters overwhelmingly rejected the proposal by a 42-to-1 margin (1,354-No, 32-Yes). In Lincoln, 66 voters said "Yes" and 86 said "No.
The outcome resolves a dispute that started more than two years ago. In May 2015, some Gladbrook-Reinbeck residents started a petition drive to put the district dissolution issue on the ballot following a divisive budget-cutting process that resulted in the closure of the elementary building in Gladbrook.
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