
When Was the Warmest January Day in the Cedar Valley?
When Was the Warmest January Day in the Cedar Valley?
When Was the Warmest January Day in the Cedar Valley?
The first month of the year is NEVER a warm one in Iowa. The "normal" average high temperature in January is in the upper-20s while the average low hovers around 10*. The warmest it has EVER been in Waterloo (According to records kept by the National Weather Service) occurred on 1/26/2002 when the mercury reached a towering 65*...
Will We Have a White Christmas?
Will We Have a White Christmas?
Will We Have a White Christmas?
Dreaming of a White Christmas? A 'White Christmas' is defined as having at least one inch of snow on the ground on the morning of December 25th. Although some consider it a ‘White Christmas’ if it’s actually snowing on Christmas Day. Regardless, according to Climate...

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