
Boat Ramp Etiquette
Boat Ramp Etiquette
Boat Ramp Etiquette
I can't tell you how many times I've been at a boat ramp to launch a boat and had to deal with some 'tool bag' that think he deserves to go first because his boat has a name.
Bluegill Fishing In The Cedar Valley
Bluegill Fishing In The Cedar Valley
Bluegill Fishing In The Cedar Valley
It's fishing time and as the water warms up, fish start moving to the shallows to spawn. That includes the fun to fish for and tasty bluegill. Our good friends at the Iowa Department of Natural resources put together videos to help us get those little morsels of fish. So, here's to bluegill fishing in the Cedar Valley.
How To Clean Fish
How To Clean Fish
How To Clean Fish
I LOVE me some fishing and one of the problems I've always had is cleaning the little buggers. So, I tend to utilize Youtube and this video gives us some great demonstrations on how to clean a couple of different kinds of fish.
May Is Crappie Time
May Is Crappie Time
May Is Crappie Time
Fishing is one of the greatest pastimes I can think of. It's an all year round event that you can do to relax, spend time with family and even have a beer or two. In Iowa, especially in the Cedar Valley, we have lots of water to fish on and in and lots of species of fish to fish for.