
Man is Mobbed by Horde of Hungry Raccoons (VIDEO)
Man is Mobbed by Horde of Hungry Raccoons (VIDEO)
Man is Mobbed by Horde of Hungry Raccoons (VIDEO)
Where: Canada When: A Chilly November Night Who: A Retired Canadian Mounted Police Constable What: Feeding 30 Hungry Raccoons Why: Why Not? James Blackwood is known 'The Raccoon Whisperer.' He resides on the east coast of Canada in the Province of Nova Scotia...
Man Gets Knocked Out By a Cat (VIDEO)
Man Gets Knocked Out By a Cat (VIDEO)
Man Gets Knocked Out By a Cat (VIDEO)
There's so many strange things are going on in this video. You'll have to watch it numerous times just to enable your brain to take it all in. A cat falls from who-knows-where, lands on a man's head, which immediately knocks him unconscious...

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