Anyone with stuff they don't want can always put it up for sale on Craigslist. As the old saying goes, "One person's garbage is another's gold" You find crap around the house, or after a family member passes and you're having to go through their affairs, you will, NO DOUBT, find things no one needs. But alas, someone right now is looking for that worthless piece of crap you have and willing to pay you for it!
The Old Village of Lawers in Perthshire, Scotland, is on sale for $173,000 and it is said to be haunted by the Lady of Lawers, who was known for her creepy prophecies.
The Old Village of Lawers is located on the shores of Loch Tay in Perthshire...
This five bedroom home in South Lake Tahoe was built in 1962 and has over 2,100 square feet of living space.
Oh, it also has a lot of mannequins just hangin’ out inside the home.
If you can afford monthly payments of over $2800 and you love dummies, then this could be your dream home...