
Cedar Rapids Bar Assures Customers That They’re NOT Closing
Cedar Rapids Bar Assures Customers That They’re NOT Closing
Cedar Rapids Bar Assures Customers That They’re NOT Closing
If you've passed by North Point at 621 Center Point Rd NE in Cedar Rapids recently, you may have noticed a big new sign out front. The sign reads "Raging Ryno's," which has lead Iowans to believe that North Point has closed its doors. That is not the case.
Iowa Bar Bathroom Bill Might Require Only One Restroom
Iowa Bar Bathroom Bill Might Require Only One Restroom
Iowa Bar Bathroom Bill Might Require Only One Restroom
As it stands right now, these specific establishments are required to have both a women's and men's room. However, this new bill that passed through a House subcommittee would only require ONE bathroom. That's right. ONE SINGLE BATHROOM. You thought the men's room reeked? Wait until you see what happens if everyone were to share ONE bathroom.

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