Shawn’s Labor Day Weekend Trip to The Field Of Dreams-Dyersville
After a Friday night under the lights watching high school football, and then a full day of watching college football on Saturday, it was time for BASEBALL, and a McKenna family road trip to Dyersville and the Field Of Dreams!
It was an absolutely perfect day for a ball game and exploring Dyersville. Field of Dreams was hosting it's annual "Team of Dreams" event. Nearly 4,000 people from 38 different states came together to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the all-time classic movie, "Field of Dreams". This year, also, marks the 100th year anniversary of the infamous "Black Sox" scandal of 1919, of course, that's part of the movie's plot, as ghost players from that team "come to life" to re-live their dreams of playing Major League baseball. So, on this past Sunday, September 1st, former MLB players, and actors and actresses from the cast of "The Sandlot" and "A League of Their Own", along with local celebrities gathered to play a friendly game of softball.
Here's some photo's from the day:
Baseball legend - Reggie Jackson runs out of the cornfield as his name is announced...nicknamed "Mr. October" for his clutch hitting in the postseason with the Athletics and the Yankees.
The "Man of Steal" - Rickey Henderson takes the field - (he holds the Major League records for career stolen bases, runs, unintentional walks and lead-off home runs.)
From the all-time classic movie "The Sandlot" it's the movie's star - Smalls! Actor Tom Guiry is 38 years old now! He played center field during the celebrity softball game, and, of course, as if on cue, he dropped an easy fly ball, and then everyone in the crowd, including myself, got to yell out, "YOU'RE KILLING ME SMALLS" to the actual Smalls, how cool was that? - To be fair, later in the game, he caught a fly ball on the run, dove, rolled and came up with it like a pro! So, actually "You're NOT killing us Smalls"! - lol
Here's everyone's hero from the movie, "The Sandlot", it's Michael 'Squints' Palledorous played by actor Chauncey Leopardi. If you look close, he still has that same wry, crooked smile he had as a kid. (and he kissed Wendy Peffercorn long and hard!)
After the softball game, it was a beautiful Iowa summer evening, so some fans (including myself) stayed and watch the "Field of Dreams" movie on the actual "Field of Dreams"! It was a surreal moment, when Kevin Costner delivered his iconic line -- Is this heaven? No, it's IOWA! And everyone watching clapped and cheered...that was awesome!
A silent auction was part of the event - here's a helmet autographed by one of my childhood heroes - Bob Griese - (yes, I was a Dolphins fan, when I was a kid)
Here's another autographed helmet, signed this time, by another sports hero of mine, legendary quarterback for the Iowa Hawkeyes - Chuck Long!
Of course, a trip to Dyersville wouldn't be complete without a stop at Textile Brewing!
This lovely beverage is called "St. Bobs"...highly-recommended...
And they serve giant..and I mean GIANT pretzels!
and finally, the picturesque - Basilica of St. Frances Xavier- it's quite the awe-inspiring piece of architecture...
So, that was my day trip to Dyersville (just an hour from the Cedar Valley, straight east on Highway 20) It was well worth the trip! As you can see, Dyersville has many things to offer, between the Field of Dreams, the basilica, the brewery, and National Farm Toy Museum...you should check it out with your friends and family!
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