Iowa Red Cross Helping in Texas and Louisiana
The Iowa Red Cross Chapters have deployed volunteers to Texas and Louisiana to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
As of Wednesday evening (August 30th) 45 Iowa Red Cross volunteers have deployed to Texas and Louisiana. Dozens more will be headed south in the coming weeks. All 6 Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs) in Iowa have also been deployed and they are now helping other Red Cross Regions deploy their ERVs. The Red Cross expects Hurricane Harvey to surpass our response to Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005.
The Red Cross is preparing to shelter 50,000 people in the next few weeks. Preliminary estimates indicate at least 32,000 people sought refuge in more than 230 shelters across Texas Tuesday night. Over 1,500 volunteers are on the ground and more help is on the way. Th expect to have 4,000 Red Cross volunteers on the ground by Friday. Along with our partners, we have served over 180,000 meals and snacks since the storm began.
To help the Red Cross help those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, CLICK HERE.
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