There's so many classic TV and radio jingles out there, right? "Bah duh bah bah bah, I'm lovin' it' from McDonald's always comes to mind. But that's a national jingle, written by highly paid ad execs and voiced originally by music superstar Justin Timberlake. What about jingles and classic slogans closer to home?

I have compiled a list, yes with audio/video, of 9 Iowa jingles and slogans that are real earworms! Enjoy!

Who hasn't heard the classic Boubin Tire & Automotive jingle? It's at the end of most of their ads. Fixed right, fixed fast! Classic!

Sing it with me, 'DOORS GO UP, DOORS GO DOWN!!' Christie's song is the best of the best. And as a bonus, the full ad is voiced.

Oh Hy-Vee... your 60-second themed 'Our House' ads are instant classics! So what if the song isn't 100% their creation? They're still instant hits. Here's the latest for St. Patrick's/Easter.

What makes you want to ride a rollercoaster more than an iconic albeit cheesy jingle? Well, come on over to Adventureland!

While there's no singing in these almost classic ISU ads, they're still very catchy.

Any and all Iowa Lottery ads end with that signature 'WOO HOO!' It's so catchy.

Ohhh Fareway! Another Iowa original - both the store and the now retired jingle!

Heartland Tire and Auto Center, I'm sorry, but this one's just... scary. Sounds like what you'd hear before a crash.

So this one may be a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. Menard's, a Wisconsin company with an iconic jingle, has an Iowa connection. Bob Holton who use to own the Decorah radio station KDEC-FM and KDEC-AM actually wrote the jingle! Here he is singing the FULL jingle! Save big money, y'all!

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