Slow to Fair is about as good as it gets this time of year when it comes to fishing. But, with a bit of help from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and their fishing report for the weekend of 10/27/17, you'll at least have a fighting chance.

Cedar River (above Nashua)
The Cedar River continues to drop and water clarity is improving. Use this opportunity to get out and play before the cold weather sets in. Walleye - Good: Use a jig tipped with a long piece of worm or minnow in deeper pools and around brush piles near evening.

Decorah District Streams
This is the final week for catchable stream stocking. Many fish remain in the streams for anglers to catch through the winter. Brook and Brown Trout spawning season is upon us. Walk carefully around freshly cleared areas in streams; these are trout nests or "redds". Many streams run through wildlife management areas where hunting is allowed. Wear bright clothing when not stalking a trout. Brook Trout - Good: Vibrant colors abound on spawning fish. A variety of small mayflies are hatching mid-afternoon. Use a dry fly for insects hatching off the water surface. Use a nymph or scud dropper for subsurface critters. Brown Trout - Excellent: With heavy frost, cold temperatures in the forecast, and spawning fish, it’s time to change strategies. Start using patterns imitating small fish, eggs, and scuds. Use small gnats, mayflies, caddisflies hatch on warmer afternoons.  Rainbow Trout - Good: Freshly stocked trout are hitting a variety of lures and baits. Drift a feathered spinner along an undercut bank. Always leave gates and fences as you find them.

Lake Hendricks
Lake Hendricks is an electric motor only lake. Few anglers have been out. Black Crappie- Slow: Troll over rock mounds with a jig tipped with minnow or spinnerbait. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Use a spinnerbait or jig with a twistertail and a slow retrieve near brush piles and downed trees. Bluegill - Slow: Try a small jig tipped with a small piece of nightcrawler or spike.

Lake Meyer
Lake clarity is excellent. Anglers will notice recent fish habitat improvements in the lake including spawning beds, shoreline rip-rap, and submersed concrete culverts. Few anglers are out. Bluegill - Slow:

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)
Few people have been out. Water levels continue to fall and clarity is improving. Walleye - Fair: Find walleye in deeper holes. Use a jig tipped with a worm, twister tail or baits imitating larger minnows or suckers in eddies and current seams.

Volga Lake
Duck season is open and hunters are on the water. All water to the campground and restroom at the boat ramp is shut off for the season. Black Crappie - Slow: Slowly troll along the dam. Use a jig tipped with a minnow in 10- to 12-feet of water.

Chances for rain/snow Friday evening into Saturday are likely. Temperature highs are mid 40's with lows in the low 30's. Area streams and rivers are in good condition. For current fishing information, please call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Brinker Lake
Black Crappie - Good: Try fishing a crappie minnow under a slip bobber at various.

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
There have been good reports of anglers catching walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass on the Cedar River. The impoundment above Waverly has been producing good catches of crappie. Target deeper pools or holes for walleye as they migrate to overwintering areas. Walleye - Good: Use jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait. Northern Pike - Good: Cast white bucktail spinner baits. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Try jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait or spinner baits. Black Crappie - Good: Use a crappie minnow under a slip bobber at various depths.

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)
Reports of some anglers having success catching some walleye. Water levels on the Maquoketa River remain in excellent condition. Walleye - Fair: Try jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait.

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
Walleye - Good: Use jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Try jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait or spinner baits.

Wapsipinicon River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
River levels are starting to fall. Walleye - Fair: Use jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Try jigs tipped with plastics with or without live bait or spinner baits.

Most interior river water levels remain steady or are falling. River reports have been best for walleye and northern pike. Trout streams remain in excellent condition; trout stream stockings end this week, but streams will provide excellent trout fishing throughout the winter. Call the N.E. Iowa district office at 563-927-3276 for more information.

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