Another Bigfoot Sighting In Washington…Caught On Camera!
Bigfoot sightings happen in Washington state a lot. A LOT. But it's pretty rare that the one doing the spotting is the GOVERNMENT.
The Washington State Department of Transportation released a video and some still shots from one of its cameras last week that showed a mysterious, shadowy figure walking across the tree line on a snowy road.
So is it Bigfoot? Like most people, I'm skeptical. My guess is some prankster noticed the camera, threw on a gorilla suit and walked right by knowing that it would cause a stir. Of course, as usual with Bigfoot sightings, the footage is just far enough away and a little "grainy" to get a really good look.
There's no word if the state is going to launch a full investigation. Which leads me to the question? Have there been Bigfoot sightings in Iowa? Actually, there have been sightings in Eastern Iowa. None recently, but there have been multiple reports across the state. No actual evidence of course, but reports none the less. In June of 2017, in Chickasaw County, a couple going for a walk in the woods, near Protivin, heard possible knocking noises. And in November 2015-2016, in Dubuque County, there were multiple sightings on a family property near Cascade.