Waterloo Schools Release Information On Four-Week Shutdown
Waterloo Schools officials have released information on the shutdown of all buildings for the next four weeks.
In response to the coronavirus, Waterloo Schools is following the recommendation of Gov. Kim Reynolds. The district is closing all buildings for public use for four weeks through Sunday, April 12. No classes are scheduled in the district this week, due to spring break.
Building Access:
Between Monday, March 23 - Friday, April 10, all district buildings will be closed. Schools, however, will be open Wednesday, March 16 from 2 to 7 PM to allow students to retrieve essential items (like medication, Chromebooks). District officials are in the process of sanitizing each building, so access should be quick and targeted to retrieve only the items needed. Children's medication CANNOT be given to children. An authorized adult MUST sign to pick up.
Instructional Support:
To help learning continue, Waterloo educators are organizing links to activities and lessons by grade level and subject. Paper copies of worksheets will be available for younger students at the elementary schools (during the Curbside Grab-N-Go meal distribution). While teachers will not be assigning or grading work over the next three weeks, they will be checking their email and available to support a child’s learning. District officials are reminding parents to have their child read every day or for the parents read to them!
Curbside Grab-N-Go Meals:
For three weeks starting on Monday, March 23, meals will be available on weekdays (Monday-Friday) at ANY of the district elementary schools for children 18 and younger. There is NO need to sign up ahead of time, but please know the meals CAN ONLY BE PROVIDED TO THE CHILD. Regardless of the school the child attends, parents or guardians may simply drive or walk up WITH their CHILDREN (ages 18 and younger) to any of the elementary school front entrances at the following pick-up times:
- Cunningham, Kingsley, and Orange: 9 to 10 AM
- Kittrell and Highland: 10 to 11 AM
- Becker and Lou Henry: 11 AM to Noon
- Irving, Lincoln, and Poyner: Noon to 1 PM
- Education Service Center, 1516 Washington Street: 9 AM to Noon
Statement from district officials: "We realize this is a difficult time and are grateful for your trust and patience as we make decisions meant to support you and your children. We will continue providing updates as needed."