Wanna Live To Be 100? Here’s How…
Recent interviews done with people who lived to be at least 100 years old reveal their tips for making it to (and past) the century mark. Some of the tips clash with others. Like, some people said drinking helped them live longer, and others said NOT drinking did.
Here are the ten most common tips:
1. Ignore traditional advice about your diet. 29% said it was one of their secrets.
2. Eat healthy, 25%. So, the opposite of the first one... Hm.
3. Stay active, 22%.
4. Stay positive, 18%.
5. Drink alcohol REGULARLY, 16%. The best quote they found was from a 111-year-old guy who said that, 'Putting a little bourbon in your morning coffee is like medicine.'
6. DON'T drink too much, and don't smoke, 12%. One of the best quotes for that one was from a 106-year-old lady who said, "I never smoked, I never drank, I never cussed, I never lied, and I never chased cowboys."
7. Maintain meaningful relationships, 10%.
8. Always try to get a good night's sleep, 9%.
9. Be nice to people, 9%.
10. Have faith, 9%.