*UPDATE* Cedar Falls Mask Mandate Extended Until April 7th
According to the CDC website, there has been a six-week downward trend in cases. "The highest 7-day average of 249,303 occurred on January 11, 2021. The current 7-day average is 66,348 cases, a 73.4% decline."
Here in Iowa, the Iowa Department of Public Health reports (as of Tues, March 2, 2021) 5,498 deaths in the state with 364,318 people testing positive. Despite the improving national numbers, that is still a significant jump from the numbers that were reported in mid-January. At that point, there were 4,478 deaths and 310,615 people tested positive. All possibly attributed to that fact that we live in the #1 state in the U.S. with the fewest coronavirus restrictions.
Even though more and more people are receiving the vaccines, and cases are decreasing, most experts are warning of a possible resurgence due to new variants of the disease and people letting their guard down too soon.
That being said, the Cedar Falls City Council voted on Monday to extend the current Cedar Falls mask mandate resolution until April 7, 2021. According to a press release, "this requires anyone within city limits to wear a face covering in public settings when unable to remain six or more feet apart from others, including during the use of public transportation or private car services."
Another important part of the mandate to point out is Section 2, that states "no business that is open to the public may provide service to a customer or allow a customer to enter its premises, unless the customer is wearing a face covering as required by this resolution".
Every person in the City of Cedar Falls must wear a face covering when:
- In public, when one cannot stay six feet apart from others.
- Inside any indoor public settings, including but not limited to grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, retail stores, city buildings, and other public settings when among people who do not live in the same household.
- Outside, if maintaining a distance of six feet apart is not possible.
- Using public transportation or private car services.
Residents do not have to wear a mask when:
- Inside their own vehicles
- Exercising
- Eating or drinking while seated at a restaurant
- Obtaining a service requiring the temporary removal of a face covering
- When federal or state law requires removal of the covering.
Law enforcement, Firefighters, Emergency medical personnel, along with anyone who has trouble breathing or is on oxygen therapy or a ventilator. It also does not apply to anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings. The Cedar Falls mask requirement does not apply to children under the age of five.