This Waterloo Dog Gets Front Row Car Seat for a Very Good Reason
If you have a dog, it's not exactly breaking news that they can be stubborn. A new video share shows a Waterloo, Iowa dog that gets the best seat in the car, but there's a very good reason why.
I found this new video making the rounds on the net today and the backstory is sweet. No, it's not just a stubborn dog that is getting her way. This is Juno who is very special to her owners for a good reason. Here's what they said on the YouTube share:
Juno is a rescue. She was locked in a kennel most of her life. She now has a family that loves her and apparently shares the front seat with her.
Seeing Juno getting love from her owners reminded me of a story that The Active Times did about the many reasons why rescue dogs make better pets. In short, many rescue dog owners will testify that their dogs tend to seem more appreciative of having a home and show more loyalty because of it.
The Humane Society also has details of how adopting a rescue dog can cost less also.
No, it's not a profound life-changing news issue. But, it's nice to witness an innocent life moment of a local animal getting to live the good life.