Thank You Veterans
Thank you Veterans. We honor you as you honored your country, and without question, pushed forward into enemy lands to defend those you didn't even know. In doing that, you have protected the freedoms of us here in the U.S.A. and so many more across the globe. Thank you Veterans.
Today is Veterans Day. Although we believe that we should celebrate those who have defended our country every day, we take special notice today. For the lay man, the horrors, the hardships, the aftermath, the memories are only thoughts, and not the truth of our lives like they are to you. We don't know what it's like to lose a buddy in the midst of battle. We don't know what it's like to stuff fear so far down, that it doesn't exist. We don't know what it's like to be a warrior. A Veteran.
So today we salute you the best we can by just saying "Thank you". Thank you for everything you have done, good or bad, in protecting those that can't protect themselves and spreading freedom at home and across the world. Thank you for putting your life in peril to bring justice to the world. Thank you for leaving family, friends and loved ones behind to serve this great country.
We truly can not express our gratitude enough. There aren't words for how grateful and thankful we are for your service.
Thank you Veterans.
You left behind your sisters and your brothers.
Leaving your beloved children and wives,
You put on hold, your dreams-your lives.
On foreign soil, you found yourself planted
To fight for those whose freedom you granted.
Without your sacrifice, their cause would be lost
But you carried onward, no matter the cost.
Many faces had haunted your dreams.
You cheered as your enemies littered the ground;
You cried as your brothers fell all around.
Some were left with memories to face all alone;
Some found themselves in the company of friends
As their crosses cast shadows across the land.
Emotionally, physically, permanently marred.
Those who did not now sleep eternally
'Neath the ground they had given their lives to keep free.
In the tears that now stream down my upturned face
As our flag waves above you, in her glory and grace.
Freedom was the gift that you unselfishly gave
Pain and death was the price that you ultimately paid.
Every day, I give my utmost admiration
To those who had fought to defend our nation.
~ Author Unknown ~