After you start working out you may feel more energized, you might be able to stairs better, or get in and out of the car easier.
Keep it up – because the more you work out – your muscles will be visibly bigger and noticeably more efficient...
This candle from Whiskey River Soap burns for around 60 hours --- which is about the length of a typical Tuesday.
The label says the scent is "the smell of slowly dying," but it's actually a spearmint aroma. So, if you're struggling to make it through the day, you can watch this candle slowly burn through your Tuesday afternoon for just $23...
What a difference a year makes: In 2019, you'd be arrested for going into a bank wearing a mask. In 2020 you'd be Thrown out of a bank for not wearing a mask
Screen Junkies created an 'Honest Trailer' for a movie version of '2020,' with a little help from Patton Oswalt