Iowa Vets Museum To Host Vietnam Vet’s Documentary
Veteran's Day is next month, so now, and always, is a great time to remember our heroes and learn more about our past.
The Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum and Cedar Valley Honor Flight are hosting “Honoring Black Hawk County’s Fallen: Remembering Vietnam Heroes” on Thursday, October 10th at the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum, 503 South Street, Waterloo. Doors will open at 4:30pm with the event beginning at 5:00pm.
The two organizations will be screening local Vietnam Veteran Jim Hamlyn’s documentary, “A Bad Deal: My Vietnam War Story.” This 26 minute piece, put together by PBS, features 8mm footage taken by Jim during his time in Vietnam, as well as first hand accounts and interviews with Mr. Hamlyn himself.
In between looped showings of the documentary, guests will be able to talk one on one with Jim in the Museum Lobby. Light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will also be available. This is a free event. Free will donations will be accepted and shared equally between the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum and Cedar Valley Honor Flight.
For more information call 319-234-6357 or visit GMDistrict.org.
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