Study Finds Food Preferences Can Determine Dating Success
You have always heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? Well did you know this is probably true for women as well? In fact a new study shows that adults have used their date's food preferences as the deciding factor as to whether or not to continue dating them.
This new study of around 2,000 adults has shown that 22% of women would consider a future dating relationship with their date only if they shared the same tastes in food. In fact the study proved that 14% of people would end a romance if they had completely different food tastes. Why is this? Well because many adults believe that having the same tastes in cuisine actually makes their date more attractive.
Are you surprised by this? I will be honest, I am not. I have a very specific food taste and honestly eat like a child with mac and cheese and chicken tenders most days. If I am going to be judged for my tastes it will make meals very unpleasant. So if you are wondering what are some safe foods to have on a first date to avoid offending your date here is a list:
1. Chicken and fries
2. Pizza
3. Chicken Salad
4. Steak
5. Pasta
6. Burgers
This are all pretty safe bets and good luck on your dating adventure... we all need some luck when it comes to this.
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