School Announcements – Friday, 9/21/2017
With near-record high temperatures in the forecast, several school districts in the Cedar Valley and northeast Iowa are letting students out early today (Friday, Sept. 23, 2017).
Check the list below.
Aplington-Parkersburg: Dismissing 2 hours early
Bosco Catholic System: Dismissing at 12:28 p.m.; No afternoon pre-school; ABC will be open
Clarksville: Dismissing 2 hours early
Denver: Dismissing 2 hours early
Dike-New Hartford: Dismissing 2 hours early
Edgewood-Colesburg: Dismissing 30 minutes early
Gladbrook-Reinbeck School: Dismissing 2 hours early
Iowa Falls-Alden: Dismissing 2 hours early
Janesville: Dismissing at 12:50 p.m.; No afternoon Latchkey.
Nashua-Plainfield: Dismissing 2 hours early; No afternoon pre-school
North Fayette Valley: Dismissing 2 hours early
Starmont: Starmont dismissing at 12:30 pm.; No middle school activities; Daycare closes at 12:30 p.m.
Tripoli: Dismissing at 12:45 p.m.; No afternoon daycare; middle school practice or games
Turkey Valley: Dismissing at 1:00 due to heat
Wapsie Valley (including Community Lutheran-Readlyn): Dismissing 2 hours early
Waverly-Shell Rock: Dismissing 2 hours early
West Delaware: Dismissing 2 hours early
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