Hey there, nature lovers! Have you ever marveled at the sight of a majestic bald eagle soaring overhead or found peace in the quiet beauty of Iowa's forests and wetlands? If so, you're not alone. In fact, this weekend I'll be taking a trip to the Loess Hills to take in some of that exquisite Iowa scenery. But did you know that many of the incredible species that call Iowa home are in need of our help?

Credit: karen crewe
Credit: karen crewe

Recently, there's been a bit of a buzz around the decrease in funding for wildlife conservation efforts here in Iowa. Yep, you heard that right. Despite the tireless work of organizations like the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), funding for crucial conservation programs has been on a steady decline.

Credit: DikkyOesin

Take, for example, the Fish and Wildlife Fund, affectionately known as the "Chickadee Check-off." This fund, created by the Iowa Legislature in the 1980s, allows folks like you and me to donate to wildlife conservation efforts when filing our state taxes. It's a simple way to give back to the beautiful creatures that enrich our lives every day and keep Iowa a bastion of conservation.

Unsplash - Acton Crawford
Unsplash - Acton Crawford

But here's the kicker: over the past 20 years, the number of donors has dropped by a whopping 50 percent! That's right! While more than 5,800 generous souls lent a helping hand last year, that number is just a fraction of the total taxpayers in Iowa. And with donations dwindling, crucial conservation projects are feeling the pinch.

Credit: Tom Ehlers My Son, Bennett, with his Golden Oyster Mushroom Haul. We often forage and enjoy the conservation efforts of the Iowa DNR. My family and I also hunt and fish.
Credit: Tom Ehlers
My Son, Bennett, with his Golden Oyster Mushroom Haul. We often forage and enjoy the conservation efforts of the Iowa DNR. My family and I also hunt and fish.

Why does this matter, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you. The Iowa DNR's Wildlife Diversity program, funded in part by the Chickadee Check-off, plays a vital role in protecting non-game wildlife species like songbirds, bald eagles, and monarch butterflies. These creatures may not be as flashy as deer or turkeys, but they're just as important to Iowa's ecosystem.

Bay Area Sees Rebound In Monarch Butterfly Population
Credit: Getty Images

From habitat development to research initiatives, every dollar donated helps support the conservation efforts that keep Iowa's wildlife thriving. Whether it's investigating bald eagle nesting habits or monitoring endangered butterfly populations, every project funded by the Chickadee Check-off makes a difference.

Tom Ehlers
Tom Ehlers

But here's the kicker: if every Iowa taxpayer chipped in just $1, we could raise a whopping $1.6 million for wildlife conservation! That's right, folks. With just a small donation, we can make a big impact on the future of Iowa's natural treasures.

Credit: Tom Ehlers One of my favorite views in Iowa at Yellow River State Forest.
Credit: Tom Ehlers
One of my favorite views in Iowa at Yellow River State Forest.

So, what can you do to help? It's simple, really. When you're filling out your state tax forms, keep an eye out for the Fish/Wildlife donation line (it's line 21 on Form 1040 seen below). Just jot down the amount you'd like to donate, and voila! You've become a champion for Iowa's wildlife.

Credit: Tax.Iowa.Gov
Credit: Tax.Iowa.Gov

But wait, there's more! If you miss your chance to donate on your tax form, fear not. You can still make a donation online through the Iowa DNR's website. It's never too late to show your support for the creatures that make Iowa such a special place to call home. With your help, we can ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty and wonder of Iowa's great outdoors.

Hiking Trails and Nature near Dubuque, Iowa

Nature and hiking areas around the Dubuque, IA area.

Gallery Credit: Tom Ehlers

Photos: Effigy Mounds National Monument - Harpers Ferry

Gallery Credit: Tom Ehlers

Photos: Northeast Iowa's Yellow River State Forest

Exploring Yellow River State Forest in Northeast Iowa.

Gallery Credit: Tom Ehlers

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