Recent Poll Shows Most Iowans In Support Of Recreational Marijuana
With more and more states converting to recreational marijuana the question has now become, will Iowa become the next state to legalize marijuana? Well according to a recent poll conducted by The Des Moines Register, most Iowans are actually in favor of weed being legalized for recreational use.
For the first time ever the majority of Iowans have voted in favor of recreational marijuana. Support has ticked up steadily since Selzer & Co., which conducts the Iowa Poll, started asking about it in February 2013. In that poll, only 29% of Iowans supported legalizing recreational marijuana, to a now staggering 53%. There is also said to be a massive age divide for those in favor vs those in opposition. 56% of those in favor were said to be between the ages of 36-54, while the in favor crowd drops to 34% over the age of 55. The Des Moines Register has the full story.