No RAGBRAI? WAGRAW Instead – Bicyclists Invited To Participate
When one of the most popular events in the summertime, not only in Iowa, but around the U.S., and the world for that matter, joined the list of canceled events, bike riders were left to lonely bike rides around their neighborhood or on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. So what do bicyclists do when something disappointing happens? They "make lemonade out of lemons", or in this case they earn a free beer out of their sweat.
Just when it took you a lifetime to remember what RAGBRAI stood for (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) now here's another acronym for you, WAGRAW. It's "Waterloo's Annual Great Ride Around Waterloo". The event starts this Sunday, July 19th and goes through next Saturday, July 25th. Enthusiasts won't want to miss Waterloo’s first “Minutes or Miles” unofficial RAGBRAI paired bike event.
Riders just jump on their bikes for a self-guided ride following a suggested bike route that will lead cyclists through Waterloo and the Cedar Valley. RAGBRAI miles become minutes. So, instead of a 61 mile ride you go on a 61 minute ride, etc. Here's the best part, the rides will start and stop at SingleSpeed Brewing Co. in Downtown Waterloo. You simply show up, sign-in, follow the route, come back, sign-out and enjoy a free beer for all of your hard work! Each participant will be entered to win a daily prize package containing Waterloo swag. Winners will be announced daily at 7:30pm. Plus, there'll be live competitions from the SingleSpeed patio.
For more information, including each day's destination/theme and route map links, go to Experience Waterloo's website.