This guy has got to be the biggest advocate for track and field, in the state of Iowa. Mike Jay is (as the kid would say) "the goat." His dedication and love for track and field is unmatched. You may recognize his voice or see him around tracks throughout the state, but did you know he's also created scholarships to help students get track shoes.

The Track Guy Foundation has allowed Jay to grant 12 scholarships, worth $500, to graduating seniors, according to KCRG. Jay has said he's hoping to change that to $1,000 someday.

Equipment is essential in every sport you can think of. A glove for baseball, a helmet for football, golf clubs for golf, the list could go on forever. Having equipment you can rely on to get the job done, can not only help you perform better but can also keep you healthy.

What's the most important equipment in track? A good pair of shoes. Shoes that fit your feet correctly can prevent a plethora of lower-body injuries and keep you on the track. Thankfully, Iowa's track and field athletes have Mike to help them out, if they need it.

Drake Relays Director Blake Boldon told KCRG

Expensive shoes are a fundamental entry point. Mike has helped to eliminate that barrier to entry for so many kids.

It's not just the track and field athletes who participate in running events that Mike has been able to help. Ask Drew Roberts who's a thrower. He needed size 14 throwing shoes and couldn't find them due to a shortage during the pandemic. Mike was there to save the day. Roberts told KCRG

There's pretty much no such thing as size 14 throwing shoes. It’s so nice that I can compete.

I bet finding any kind of size 14 shoe is a pain... but I'll stay on track here. See what I did there?


KCRG was right when they said, "every sport needs a Mike Jay." Through his generosity, he's inspired high school students to also help others with their track and field needs. Students have raised money and/or asked their parents to help donate shoes to students who have trouble finding or affording them.

Hudson boys track and field coach Blaire Puls told KCRG

His passion just rubs off on you. His passion for the sport, his passion for giving back, his passion for helping any athlete that he can.

Through Mike's foundation, he's donated over 450 pairs of new shoes.

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