Going to college can be a fantastic way for students to learn and build an educational portfolio. A college degree can be what leads you to a fantastic job that you love and appreciate doing every day. Not only that but it can be fantastic for you socially. In college, a lot of people meet friends that they will know for the rest of their lives.

One of the best things about going to college is finding out about things you didn't even know you were interested in. When you're a senior in high school, it's pretty tough to comprehend how many options you'll have and how many different classes you can take. In my freshman year of school, I took a disc golf class. Not for any reason other than it looked fun and I needed some kind of Physical Education credit.

There are so many different classes that a lot of people might find a waste of time and energy but these 10 classes offered at the University of Iowa seem like they could be a lot of fun, especially for those who are simply trying to fill elective college credits. Check these out. Did you know they offered these courses at the University of Iowa?

According to College Magazine, these are 10 of the most interesting courses offered at the University of Iowa and what they will count towards, that can make your semester hours worthwhile.

1. History Of Jazz (Mus: 1720) Count for Literary/Visual/Performing Arts

Unsplash - Konstantin Aal
Unsplash - Konstantin Aal

This class is pretty straightforward. You'll learn the history and styles of jazz music. You may find a new style of music or a new artist you fall in love with for the rest of your life.

2. Beginning Jazz (Danc: 1020) Counts for Literary/Visual/Performing Arts

Unsplash - Patricia Palma
Unsplash - Patricia Palma

After learning about the history of jazz, you might as well learn how to dance to it. Hip Hop music is full of jazz roots and history. The next time you go dancing with your friends at the bar/club, you'll surely have some new moves to bust out.

3. Elements of Digital Photography (Arts: 1060) General Elective

Unsplash - Conor Luddy
Unsplash - Conor Luddy

In 2023, just about anyone can take a pretty incredible picture by simply using their smartphone. Why not learn about the aesthetics of photography, learn Photoshop, and learn everything about digital photography? Students don't need any kind of previous camera experience to take this class either.

4. The Meaning Of Life (Phil: 1033) Counts for Historical Perspective

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Unsplash - Name_Gravity

Students in this class learn what philosophers believe the meaning of life is as they travel through time and culture. Students will eventually form their own opinions as they learn about everything from god, buddha, technology, and everything in between that affects the way of life in 2023.

5. Quest for Human Density (Rels: 1903) Counts for Values and Culture

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Unsplash - ChutterSnap

This is a great class to take after taking the "Meaning of Life" course. This class can help further those interests as students study the Old Testament, old movies, and classic books.

6. Contemporary Cinema (Cine: 1610) Counts for Literary/Visual/Performing Arts

Unsplash - John Moeses Bauan
Unsplash - John Moeses Bauan

Plenty of us already binge-watch movies on a regular basis, students might as well get college credit for it. These movies span several different cultures and different areas of the world. Maybe students will discover incredible movies that aren't on a subscription platform.

7. Movement: Special Topics, Vinyasa Yoga (Thtr: 2120) Count for a General Elective

Unsplash - Oksana Taran
Unsplash - Oksana Taran

While this is essentially a yoga/exercise class, College Magazine reports that students "also have the opportunity to learn the history and mental philosophies behind Vinyasa, a flowing form of yoga. This class will relax you in between studying for your Chem and Bio finals."

8. Mindfulness Foundations (Psqf: 1027) Counts for a General Elective

Unsplash - Lutchenca Medeiros
Unsplash - Lutchenca Medeiros

This class can help exercise a student's mind and is mostly a meditation class. This is a fantastic way for students to de-stress from the college workload, learn what it means to be mindful and learn to be aware of your surroundings in a meaningful way.

9. The Green Room (Honr: 2800) Counts for Honors Elective/General Elective with permission

Unsplash - Justin Smith
Unsplash - Justin Smith

First off, if you've made it this far, thank you.

Second, I don't fully understand what this class really is but it could lead to some pretty awesome discussions...if you're into that. According to College Magazine, it's basically a class that "lets you explore walks of life from outside your own." Basically, speakers talk about their own walk of life to students. A previous speaker talked about solving homelessness, another talked about their journey to becoming a professional magician.

10. The Black Image In Sequential Art (Afam: 2700) Counts for a General Elective

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Unsplash - Visuals

This class teaches students about the ongoing journey to better on-screen representation of African Americans. Students learn about the history of how African Americans can be represented in the media. Whether that be in comic books, movies, or anime, this class looks at this history through a critical lens.

These 10 classes are all from College Magazine.

As students around the country are preparing for graduations and summer vacations, it's such an exciting time for a lot of high school graduates to prepare for their first semester of college. The world is your oyster and there sure are a lot of college classes you can take an interest in. Don't forget that those expensive books you buy for classes are for reading and not to be used as paperweights.

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