Iowa 58, Viking Road Set To Close Overnight In Cedar Falls
The Iowa Department of Transportation is planning to close a segment of Iowa Highway 58 in Cedar Falls overnight for workers to complete a construction job.
According to Iowa DOT officials, the highway will be shut down between Ridgeway Ave. and Greenhill Road starting at 10:30 PM Tuesday. Iowa 58 traffic will be detoured onto Hudson Road during the closure.
The entire Iowa 58/Viking Road interchange will be shut down, Iowa DOT officials said. Viking Road will be closed between Nordic Drive and Andrea Road, also starting at 10:30 PM Tuesday.
The project and road closure is expected to take up to five hours, weather permitting. During the closure, crews will be painting new and refreshing existing pavement markings, officials said.
If weather prevents paint crews from completing their work on Tuesday, the project will be moved to Wednesday night.