How Will Cedar Valley Residents Spend Their Stimulus Checks?
Think about it...the government authorized a $2 TRILLION dollar economic stimulus package...that's a whole lot of zeroes at the end of that number my friend. Too many to comprehend. It's also "above my head", to figure out exactly how they came up with a one time pay-out of $1,200 being the precise amount everyone needs to help stimulate the economy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just enjoying the windfall in my bank account.
I think the idea behind this stimulus money is two-fold. If you're one of the tens of thousands of unemployed Iowans, you're probably going to be more practical with the groceries, pay rent, make credit card payments etc...
It's also meant to do just what it says, "stimulate" the economy. So, maybe you choose to indulge a little. Is that bad? Not necessarily, however, we're Americans, so we do what we do. Go a little crazy with it. Some people are even taking to social media to boast about their frivolous purchases. People are buying everything from inflatable dinosaur costumes and paintball scooters and pricey shoes.
Have you received your check yet? If not, visit the Get My Payment webpage created by the IRS. If you did receive it. It seems sensible to be responsible and maybe "pay some bills" with part of it, and then take part of it and treat yourself to something you enjoy. I think everyone can agree, spending your money here in the Cedar Valley and northeast Iowa is a good idea, supporting our friends and family.
So, let's have some fun. If you were in the position where you could spend all or part of your stimulus money locally, what would you buy or do? Answers can be light-hearted and silly or's up to you.
I'll start:
1. I would cut a huge check to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank
2. I would go one of my favorite restaurants, Rudy's Tacos and offer to buy some of their marionettes off their famous ceiling, then hang them in my teenage daughter's bedroom to freak her out.
3. I would pretend like I won the lottery, and "make it rain". I would go buy $1,200 dollars worth of gift cards to local businesses and make sure they got to our "hospital heroes".
4. As a beer fan, I love this idea, I would call Singlespeed Brewing Co. and order $1,200 worth of six packs, then drive around to fellow beer loving friends, dropping off six-packs on their doorstep.
What would you do? Let us know on our Facebook page via our app: