When you graduate high school, it's a major accomplishment. But after the ceremony and graduation party, it's on to the real world. You need to decide whether you'll jump right into the workforce or go to a college or university to earn a degree. If you choose the latter, how do you know which college to attend?

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There are a bunch of great colleges throughout Wisconsin and the U.S. you can apply to in hopes of being accepted. There are also colleges and universities that aren't very good but more than 50 of them were labeled being the worst, and four of them are in Wisconsin.

attachment-Wisconsin Worst Colleges In US

When looking for colleges to apply to, high school seniors take many factors into consideration such as tuition costs, social life, campus size, dorm life, athletics, nightlife, and several other factors. Sure, parents help guide them to attend schools that are safe and give their kids a good education, but that's what parents do.


Wisconsin is home to some great colleges and universities like Beloit College, and others. There are four schools in the Badger State that are labeled as some of the worst in the country, according to avocadoposts.com. These are the four colleges:

53. Lawrence University

Located in In Appleton, Wisconsin, Lawrence University has a solid 80% graduation rate. But the reason it makes this list is because annual tuition of $47,000 is quite a bit considering that most graduates earn around $44,000 per year ten years after enrollment.

40. Marquette University

Marquette University, located in Milwaukee, ranked 9th on Insurify’s list of most dangerous college campuses in the country. It also has boasts a high yearly tuition fee of $39,000. That's quite the financial burden post-graduation.

39. University of Wisconsin System

Right after Marquette is the University of Wisconsin System. With its main campus located in Madison, the University of Wisconsin System lands on the list of worst colleges due to being under scrutiny for leadership decisions, specifically regarding free speech.

The university president reprimanded a faculty member over their choice of speakers for a sex education course. This was followed by an intense audit and signaled a worrying trend.

3. Northland College

Deemed the third-worst college in the U.S., Northand College, located in Ashland, Wisconsin, has a concerning low ten-year salary for its graduates, at just $37,400.With a yearly tuition fee of around $36,183 and a graduation rate of only 46%, Northland College isn't the most ideal college to apply to.

Californians Moving To Wisconsin Are In For A Rude Awakening

Californians are leaving the Golden State for what they think is a better life. It probably is compared to the craziness that happens in Cali, but they will be shocked when they find out what Wisconsin has in store for them.

Gallery Credit: Connor Kenney/Townsquare Media Quad Cities

These Are The Top 10 "Trashiest" Cities In Wisconsin

RoadSnacks number crunched to determine the top 10 "trashiest" cities in Wisconsin!

Gallery Credit: Various

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