Can you actually get sick from your dog? An Iowa State vet has confirmed several cases of a disease in dogs that can actually spread to humans. The disease was discovered at a small commercial dog breeding facility in Marion County, Iowa.

The disease is called Canine Crucellosis. While the threat to humans is fairly low, anyone who comes into contact with blood, tissue, and fluids during the birthing process of infected dogs should contact their doctor immediately. Also, if any pet owners have recently purchased a small breed dog from Marion County, Iowa they should contact their veterinarian immediately as well.

Experts say that human infection is rare, but symptoms may include flu-like symptoms, including fever and headache, as well as joint pain. Rarely, the disease can attack the nervous system, eyes, and heart.

The animals at the and the breeding facility have been quarantined as the dogs undergo further testing.


[via CNN]

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