Crime Down in Cedar Falls
According to a new report just released from the Cedar Falls Police, crime is down in Cedar Falls.
Crime in Cedar Falls declined 4.9% in 2016. There were 2,039 crimes reported in 2016 compared to 2,145 crimes reported in 2015 . Disorderly calls declined 31% (108 in 2015 to 75 in 2016) and OWI offenses dropped 31% (141 in 2015 to 97 in 2016). A 40% increase was noted in the assault categories with 83 assaults in 2015 and 117 reported in 2016.
"These statistics once again show the incredible dedication, efforts and professionalism of our police officers in Cedar Falls. I know the leadership within the city will continue to work hard towards this trend and keep our great city even safer." - Mayor Jim Brown
Click Here for the full report.