Black Hawk County Board Of Supervisors Say NO To Mask Mandate
Three weeks after the Black Hawk County Board of Health approved a mask mandate , the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors voted it down on Tuesday morning.
Even though the Cedar Falls City Council recently approved a mask mandate and the Waterloo City Council just approved extending their mask mandate for six weeks, the proposal for a county-wide mask mandate fell to a 4-1 vote.
The only official to approve the resolution was Democrat Chris Schwartz. Other Democrat supervisors Tom Little, Linda Laylin and Craig White did not approve of the guidelines, along with Republican Daniel Trelka. The proposed mandate called for misdemeanor-level fines for violators, however supervisors were concerned about criminalizing not wearing a mask. The mandate failed even though it had support from health department officials, health board members, pastors, community members, college professors, and University of Northern Iowa President Mark Nook.

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