How sweet is this?!

This weekend, I came across a Facebook video from KTIV News 4 over in Sioux City, Iowa that made my heart happy. The video was acquired from Aspen Heights Assisted Living in Hull, Iowa, and it showed their residents getting in on some Olympic fun!

Throughout the two-minute video, multiple residents are seen moving up and down the hallway, passing along a homemade Olympic torch to music. The video ends with one final female resident marching the torch into a room decorated with the flags of various countries. All of the residents that took part seem to have enjoyed themselves, especially after they made the news!

According to an article from Siouxland Proud, this is not the first time residents at Aspen Assisted Living have participated in some sort of fun Olympic activity. Activity Director Jennifer Steiger told the publication they like to add something new each year. The article reads:

"Steiger has been planning events inspired by the Olympics over the last 15 years of her career, and she continues to plan these celebrations because it’s beneficial to the residents in many ways, and the smiles are what makes it worth it."

The facility's Facebook page shows that residents have already participated in at least one Olympic event so far... a "discus toss!" They even awarded winners with their own medals.

Activities like this may not seem like a big deal to some, but Jennifer says that it's important to get the residents up and moving and keep them laughing. She's already planning ahead for the Winter Olympics, and it's rumored that they'll be having snowball fights with marshmallows!

To keep up with the other fun activities with the seniors at Aspen Heights, you can follow the Facebook page HERE.

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