Adopt A Senior 2020 – Trending On Facebook
When 2020 high school seniors left for spring break in mid-March, none of them could've imagined it would be the last time they sat in a classroom, ate lunch in the cafeteria, or talked to their friends in the hallway. Then the coronavirus pandemic progressed and turned their (and everyone else's) world's upside down.
On a positive note, helping people deal with the stress of all of this has really brought out the best in our communities. In a trend sweeping the nation, our state and now here locally, "Adopt a Senior" groups are popping up on Facebook. The idea is to "shower our seniors with some extra love" and let them know they're not forgotten. Just choose one or more seniors to "adopt", then send a letter, card, gift, gift card, snack, anything to let them know you are supporting them.
I've enjoyed reading about the student's high school achievements and their future plans in the Waterloo Adopt A Senior 2020 Facebook group. However, a word of caution, parents please remember, you are "putting your kid's out there", so to speak. Their "timelines" and photos, date of birth, and sometimes even phone numbers are all viewable by the public. Plus, there's a lot of other personal information being shared in the "senior profiles", like current jobs, etc..so please be careful! Make sure your student's Facebook privacy settings are set correctly. Read more about the Better Business Bureau's tips to avoid scammers here.
Now, let's just hope all of these amazing seniors get a chance to walk across a stage to receive their diploma and go to the Prom...I'm sure the community will come together to make sure these things happen as well, as soon as the social distancing restrictions are removed.
Other area high schools "Adopt A Senior" Facebook pages:
Hudson High school
If you have a link to other area high school's "Adopt A Senior" Facebook pages please message us via our app:

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