2019 Souper Bowl Of Caring – Donate Today!
The Northeast Iowa Food Bank is calling on all northeast Iowa youth, community groups and churches to get involved during this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring.
This national movement has a goal to transform the nation’s largest football weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving by tackling hunger!
Participants are invited to collect food and funds in fun creative ways. The Northeast Iowa Food Bank is asking any youth or organization serving youth to participate, to remember the over 14,000 northeast Iowa children who are experiencing hunger. You can also make your own personal donation by clicking here NE Iowa Food Bank's Souper Bowl of Caring
“The Souper Bowl of Caring event is an opportunity for northeast Iowa youth to mobilize to help fight hunger in their own community.” said Barb Prather, Executive Director of the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. “With so many of our youth going hungry in northeast Iowa, this event is a way to provide direction and a goal for children who want to give back, in a way that could benefit children they might know, but don’t know that they’re going hungry.”
The event is open to the public in the NEIFB’s 16 county serving area. To register for The Souper Bowl of Caring, visit NE IA Food Bank Souper Bowl of Caring 2019. For questions regarding this event, contact Agnes at akress@northeastiowafoodbank.org or 319-235-0507.
The Northeast Iowa Food Bank provides nutritious food and grocery products to about 200 nonprofit organizations and programs who assist the hungry and to individuals who are in need of food assistance. Last year, the Food Bank distributed more than 6 million pounds of food, which provided over 6.7 million meals within a 16-county service area.
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