2018 Waterloo Dog and Cat Licenses Now Available
The City of Waterloo 2018 dog and cat licenses and Pat Bowlsby Off-Leash Dog Park passes are now available.
You can purchase the pet tags at the City Clerk’s office located at 715 Mulberry Street. The office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.. Pet owners may also purchase dog or cat licenses from Waterloo Animal Control officers, at the Cedar Bend Humane Society or by mail.
The following applies to both dogs and cats:
- A valid rabies vaccination certificate must be presented. Owners should check with their veterinarian to determine if the vaccination is valid for the current year.
- Proof of spaying/neutering from veterinarian must be presented.
The fee schedule is as follows:
- January 1 – March 31 April 1 – December 31
- Altered $5.00 $10.00
- Unaltered $25.00 $50.00
The 2018 passes for the Pat Bowlsby Off-Leash Dog Park are also available from the City Clerk’s office. The annual fee is $15.00 and includes the dog tag for park use.
You may license your dog or cat by mailing in your valid rabies certificate and proof of spayed/neutering with the applicable amount owed plus an additional $1.00 postage and handling fee to the City Clerk, 715 Mulberry St., Waterloo, IA 50703. Include the amount for the Dog Park pass with your payment, if desired. Rabies and proof of spaying/neutering certificates will be returned with the appropriate license(s) by return mail.