You’ll Spend This Many Years of Your Life Staring at Screens
Here's a pretty incredible stat...if you don't count the time you're asleep, the average American today spends almost HALF of their life staring at screens.
If you live to the average life expectancy of 78, that means you'll spend the equivalent of 7,956 days staring at a screen...or just under 22 YEARS of your life!
A recent survey found we now spend 42% of our waking hours staring at a screen of some kind...or an average of 6 hours and 43 minutes a day.
Three out of four people in the survey said they know they spend too much time staring at screens. But it's not stopping us. We even take breaks from one screen just to stare at another one! 53% of people in the survey said they take breaks from their computer just to scroll through their phone.
TVs are still the most common type of screen we stare at, followed by phones and laptops. Sometimes, all at once! I've caught my teenage daughter watching TV, working on homework on her laptop and picking up her phone and checking it every 2 seconds.
The stat of spending just under 22 years of your life staring at a screen, is just mind-boggling to me. If this doesn't make you feel guilty enough to finally put down that phone, turn off the TV and get out from behind the computer monitor, nothing will. It will take WILL-POWER, but you can do this. Here's a bunch of alternatives; read a book (an actual PAPER book) or magazine, take a walk, play outside (YES, EVEN IN THE SNOW), play a board game, exercise, or here's the best idea, crank up your favorite radio station!