If you haven't heard, I've been doing something called Crossfit at The Gym in Cedar Falls. I'm no muscle man, I am completely out of shape and I have no idea how to "skin the cat". Until now!  Yep, you get to skin the cat at this place.

So far, here's what I've learned:

  • It doesn't matter how muscular you are or how out of shape you think you're in.  You go at your own pace and no one stares at you.  They are too busy doing their own thing.
  • I now know what  "Wall Walk", "Skin the Cat", "Double Unders" and "WOD" means.
  • If you don't hurt the next day, you did it wrong.  It's a good pain..it really is.
  • If I can do it, you can too.

I feel better, I'm eating healthier and I'm gonna get some muscles!  They'll even track your progress.

I really do suggest that you check it out.  www.thegymcf.com

The staff is awesome and you won't regret it.  Just go for it.

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