This month, we have one of those rare dates. February 2, 2022 (2-2-22) has already passed, and now coming up is 2-22-22! And guess what? That day happens to fall on a couldn't have worked out more perfectly. We're going to celebrate with a Two-For-Tuesday giveaway.

We're giving you the chance to win TWO tickets to wherever you call paradise.

  • Voucher or cash gift card valued at up to six hundred dollars ($600.00) for the purchase of two round-trip airline tickets for any destination of your choice.

Here's how you can enter to win Two-For-Tuesday

Just listen for us NOT to play a Twofer (two songs in a row from the same band/artist) between 10 a.m.and 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22. Whenever you hear it, just hit the 'Message Us' button on the mobile apple to let us know the name of the band that we didn't play a Twofer from. If you're correct you'll be entered to win the airfare. We'll draw one winner from all of our correct entries.


Good luck!

This Adult Treehouse is the Perfect Road Trip Getaway [GALLERY]

How about reliving a bit of childhood nostalgia by spending a few days/nights in an (adult) treehouse?

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