This is a question I'm asked often, "Who are your favorite actors of all time?" This usually turns into a list of my top five, but it's so hard to narrow down, because there are so many I like. This however is not a list of my personal likes, but rather a list of whom I believe are the most talented to ever do it. With that said I'm doing a quick breakdown of my top ten talent list and why they claim a spot on this coveted list. Number 10: Daniel Day Lewis.

Awards: 8x Golden Globes Nominee, 2x winner, 6x Oscar Nominee, 3x Winner.

I first recognized this man's greatness in Gangs of New York, where the aforementioned starred as Bill Cutting, the ruthless leader of the Natives of New York. Lewis is a true method actor who delves into his roles in an uncanny way. He literally becomes the character. His delivery as well as his interpretation of the roles he plays is cause for some of the most timeless movie characters we've ever seen. He's so good because he never breaks character, even on set. His devotion to the role is unrivaled, except for a few other gentlemen who will eventually make this list (foreshadowing). He's starred as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Plainview, and Christy Brown all of which he won Oscars for best actor. The only reason I have him low on this list (which is still a wonderful position to be in) is because he's only starred in 17 films total. However, he's the only man to have 3 oscar wins for best actor. He should be much higher on this list, but with only a very limited amount of films, I can say that a short career can't be considered the greatest. Had he had 4-5 more films under his belt, he'd be in the top 3.

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