Easter Eggs were seen all around this past weekend. Some were cleverly hidden within neighborhoods, others were graciously handed out. Typically, Easter eggs are filled with candy, small goodies, or money. However, these Easter Eggs a parent gave out at an elementary school in Texas were filled with something more strange... Condoms.

At Gullet Elementary School in Austin Texas, A terrible mistake occurred, as the parent in the bunny costume didn't realize they were handing out the wrong eggs.

A parent shared on Twitter that most of the eggs were filled with candy, but others contained unopened condoms.

According to the Twitter thread of other parents discussing the situation, the whole situation seemed to be a mistake. The parent in the bunny costume was supposedly a pharmacist and dressed up as a bunny while overseeing a safe-sex presentation at a nearby clinic. When the parent went to pick up their second-grader while still wearing the costume they ended up “mobbed” by students at the school, to whom the bunny started handing out candy.  As the parent ran out of supplies, they called their spouse for help and the wrong eggs were delivered.  


A district spokesperson of the school told KXAN, “We are working to review our safety protocols to ensure this does not happen again. It was an incredibly careless and inappropriate action of a parent.”

Though the school was upset about the occurrence, some parents found it funny and harmless.

Read More Here: KXAN

The New QC Fuel in Bettendorf is Ready to Help You Recharge

Bettendorf's latest QC Fuel is on Maplecrest Road, right across from Bettendorf High School. I stopped by to grab my morning coffee!

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