The Best C.V. Restaurants You May Have Forgotten That Are Still Here
When it comes to our dining selections, we tend to be "creatures of habit".
We usually choose a restaurant that is "top of mind", like a big franchise restaurant. They're the first restaurants we think of because they advertise a lot or have money-saving coupons. Sometimes it's for convenience, we're in a hurry, and they're quick and easy. Or sometimes we're just plain lazy and kind of boring. Some restaurants come and go, but these "oldies but goodies" have proved the test of time. And now, more than ever, it's important to support local businesses that continue to "keep their heads above water" and navigate through this pandemic.
So, it's time to "mix things up a little bit" and visit (or re-visit) some area restaurants you may have forgotten about in the Cedar Valley, but are still here alive and well and waiting to serve you. (Scroll down)
Cedar Valley Restaurants You May Have Forgotten That Are Still Here