Canadian Wildfire Smoke Causing Air Quality Problems in IowaCanadian Wildfire Smoke Causing Air Quality Problems in IowaSome Iowans could find it difficult to breath due to smoke from wildfires in Canada.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Firefighters From Iowa Headed West to Battle WildfiresFirefighters From Iowa Headed West to Battle WildfiresIowa firefighters are battling wildfires in at least three different states.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
The ENTIRE State of Iowa is in an AIR QUALITY ALERTThe ENTIRE State of Iowa is in an AIR QUALITY ALERTNortherly winds are bringing more smoke from wildfires into Iowa, lowering the air qualityJames PatrickJames Patrick
Wildfire Smoke Continues to Drift Into IowaWildfire Smoke Continues to Drift Into Iowa14 states have reported large firesJames PatrickJames Patrick
2020 Bingo Card: Flood of Black Sludge in Arizona2020 Bingo Card: Flood of Black Sludge in ArizonaWowJames PatrickJames Patrick