Top 20 Pink Floyd Solo SongsTop 20 Pink Floyd Solo SongsWith a similar ebb and flow, they might have completed the band's next great double album. Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Watch Roger Waters Play Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’ at Palestine BenefitWatch Roger Waters Play Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’ at Palestine BenefitFormer Cat Stevens also performed during concert at a London church.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Eric Clapton Supports Roger Waters’ Political CandorEric Clapton Supports Roger Waters’ Political Candor"We are brothers and he goes his way about it, and it takes a lot of guts, and he suffers from it terribly," Clapton said. Allison RappAllison Rapp
Gilmour May Not Play Floyd SongsGilmour May Not Play Floyd SongsIs this feud going to ruin future solo tours? Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Roger Waters Calls Bono a 'S---'Roger Waters Calls Bono a 'S---'U2 dedicated 'Pride (In the Name of Love)' to victims of a music festival attack by Hamas. Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Roger Waters' Fired Son Now Playing With Pink Floyd Tribute BandRoger Waters' Fired Son Now Playing With Pink Floyd Tribute BandRoger fired him just before Christmas in 2016.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Roger Waters Album ReviewRoger Waters Album ReviewWhere there once were soaring interludes, he now offers grave, grumbled new commentary.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Roger Waters Says Bob Ezrin LiedRoger Waters Says Bob Ezrin LiedFormer Pink Floyd leader says David Gilmour's second section wasn’t a first take, as 'The Wall' co-producer reported.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Roger Waters Responds to New Film’s Antisemitism AllegationsRoger Waters Responds to New Film’s Antisemitism AllegationsHe calls the documentary "a flimsy, unapologetic piece of propaganda."Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Hear Roger Waters’ ‘Speak to Me / Breathe’ off ‘Dark Side’ ReduxHear Roger Waters’ ‘Speak to Me / Breathe’ off ‘Dark Side’ ReduxOne-two punch follows updated versions of "Money" and "Time."Bryan RolliBryan Rolli