
Jeep Gets Hit By Multiple Lightning Strikes (VIDEO)
Jeep Gets Hit By Multiple Lightning Strikes (VIDEO)
Jeep Gets Hit By Multiple Lightning Strikes (VIDEO)
Dashcam video caught the exact moment a Jeep Grand Cherokee was struck by lightning multiple times while driving down a highway in Kansas. In the 13-second video, the vehicle appears to be hit by one bolt of lightning then three or four more times in quick succession, frying the SUV's electrical system...
Video of a Bolt of Lightning Destroying a Tree
Video of a Bolt of Lightning Destroying a Tree
Video of a Bolt of Lightning Destroying a Tree
On Thursday, April 8, a bolt of lightning destroyed a pine tree at a High School in Wautoma, Wisconsin.   According to the National Weather Service: Air is a very poor conductor of electricity and gets extremely hot when lightning passes through it. How...

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