State Of Iowa’s Eagles Cash Bash Set For Sat. Aug. 8th
The Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) was founded in 1898. According to Wikipedia, the Eagles "pushed for the founding of Mother's Day, provided the impetus for Social Security, and pushed to end job discrimination based on age". More recently, "Every year they raise millions of dollars to combat heart disease and cancer, help children with disabilities, and support medical research."
The public is invited to the 20th Annual fundraiser for State of Iowa Eagle's, Saturday, August 8th, hosted by Waterloo Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles #764, 202 E 1st St in Waterloo. Their Iowa Eagles Cash Bash Facebook event has all the details including:
Tickets are $30.00 for "all you can eat and drink beer and well drinks" from 4pm-9pm. Call drinks $1.00 extra. The event will also feature chances to win money. They will have a drawing at the top of each hour for a chance to win $1000, along with 50-50 drawings on the half hour. Music will start at 4pm. Plus, shuttles will be provided to and from area hotels. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or by calling 319-234-9369 or leave message at 319-230-0710. By the way, if you're wondering, like me, what's an "aerie"? It's defined as a large nest of a bird of prey, especially an eagle. Well, that makes sense now.

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